Helping Billy Casper find his way

Written by: Tony Korologos | Tuesday, August 2nd, 2005
Categories: Champions TourMiscellaneous

(This post is one of an ongoing series about my experience at The Champion’s Challenge)

billycasperballAfter checking out all the golf carts and their players’ bags I went back up by the clubhouse. I was hanging out by Jack’s cart hoping to get an autograph when Billy Casper walked by. I stopped him and asked him for an autograph on my Masters Flag. He said he was trying to find his cart.

He was a funny, salty old chap and I made a proposition. I knew where his cart was, and he might be walking around for a while before he found it. So I told him I’d show him to his cart IF he signed my Masters flag… “Son, you have a deal.”

While guiding Billy to his cart many fans and other golfers kept stopping him to chat. When he’d finish his chat he’d ask where his guide was. I’d catch his attention and wave him in the right direction.

Finally I got Billy to his cart and he was thankful. He then autographed my Masters flag and a Masters ball.

Thanks Billy, glad to be of service!


Written by: Tony Korologos | Tuesday, August 2nd, 2005
Categories: Hackers

Played my 9 hole Tuesday league tonight. What a group I was in today.

Player 1 had no pars and 5 birdies in 9 holes, but shot even par.

Player 2 was in the freaking zone. This guy shot a 29 with two birdie putts missed short and two birdie lip-outs. He was inches away from a 25, inches. His tee shot on the par 4 5th hole hit the freaking flagstick!

My round?… I’d rather not talk about it.

Great minds think alike

Written by: Tony Korologos | Tuesday, August 2nd, 2005
Categories: Golf MediaSite News

My pal the Golf Grouch has a nice piece called The Boredom of the Bridges. It seems he too found what I called The Battle of the Boredom made for TV golf event not ready for prime time.

It seems great minds think alike. 🙂

Today I met Jack Nicklaus

Written by: Tony Korologos | Monday, August 1st, 2005
Categories: MiscellaneousSite News

For a golf freak, this is the ultimate. Here is a pic of Jack, me and my boy. I just wish that bonehead security guy wouldn’t have been posing in the background. I’ll have a complete writeup on the whole event soon.
Look out. I touched his clubs. I have the magic!

I’ll be meeting Jack Nicklaus tomorrow

Written by: Tony Korologos | Sunday, July 31st, 2005
Categories: MiscellaneousSite News

I’ll be meeting Jack Nicklaus tomorrow, hopefully….

I’m going to be attending a two day local golf event hosted by Johnny Miller called the Champion’s Challenge. It is an event where a famous pro plays and has a partner with him. Many do their sons, but some have buddies or famous people like Bill Murray to play with.

This is a fairly casual event and they do autographs and allow pictures Monday. So hopefully I’ll be meeting the following players:

Johnny Miller, Jack Nicklaus, Mike Weir, Jim Furyk, Scott Simpson, Bill Murray, Mike Reid, Keith Clearwater, Ryan Moore, Spencer Levin, Nancy Lopez, Jason Zuback, Hale Irwin, Dave Stockton, Dave Stockton Jr., Craig Stadler, Billy Casper, Kevin Stadler, Hank Kuehne, Gary McCord, Roger Maltbie, Fuzzy Zoeller

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