I got home today from a morning round of golf and work in the afternoon. I just sat down to watch today’s first round of the PGA Championship on my Tivo. Unfortunately someone in my family canceled my recording 49 minutes in.
Instead of the PGA, I have the choice of Lizzy McGuire, Oprah or Dr. Phil on my recordings list. You could fry an egg on my head right now… AHHHHHGGG!
So the short story is we have a logjam at -3 after round one, with Phil one of them. Meanwhile Tiger is at +5, 8 shots off the lead? Wow, talk about the opposite start everyone anticipated.
Last night there was some fine entertainment at the PGA Championship news conference.
The first question out of the box from the press to Sergio was whether or not he thought Tiger was back to his year 2000 dominance and whether or not it was good for the game.
Sergio’s reaction was awesome. He got this sick look on his face and turned to look away for a few seconds. (paraphrasing) Then all he could say was “excuse me?” After the reporter repeated the question Sergio said “he’s got his problems and I’ve got my problems and we’ll try to work those out.” I’m not sure even Sergio knows what that means…
This relates back to my post about the Battle of the Boredom where Phil was agitated by the Tiger questions.
Memo to PGA Tour pros:
If you don’t want to have to answer all the “Tiger” questions there’s an easy solution:
Beat him.
Up until last week or so I’d never posted a picture of myself here. I didn’t have any particular reason other than to keep that aura of mystery about what I look like.
By posting a pic of myself, I’ve apparently opened myself up as a target for all the photoshoppers out there to have fun with. Here’s one from my pal and fellow golf blogger Rich at Eat Golf.
He somehow got the REAL picture of me with the beer babes and not the one where I photoshopped myself in with Jack. Nice going Rich!
Wolf Creek Golf Club: Extreme beauty, extreme golf
As I’ve said in several posts here previously, Mesquite Nevada is becoming a golf mecca. Mesquite was once a tiny little state line gambling town between Utah and Vegas. Years ago there was basically one casino there called the Peppermill and nothing else. Now Mesquite boasts several fairly large casinos and several amazing golf courses.
Wolf Creek Golf Club is definitely in the “amazing” category. It is more amazing from a scenic, design and architectural standpoint than from a golf purist’s standpoint.
OK pundits, it’s your time to cast another vote in the newest HOGB poll!
The new poll question: How many rounds (9 or 18) of golf per month do you play during peak season? It’s OK, you can answer honestly. Your wife will never know.
I admit it, I’m in the 20+ category. But that is why I’m hooked on golf.
Vote now!