Did you happen to see this today?:
“Bandwidth Limit Exceeded
The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to the site owner reaching his/her bandwidth limit. Please try again later.
Apache/1.3.33 Server at www.hookedongolfblog.com Port 80”
HOGB has been getting more and more action and apparently we hit the bandwidth wall for the month! No worries, the bandwidth has been increased.
(This post is the final in the series about my experience at The Champion’s Challenge)
While following Jack Nicklaus around for a couple of hours at the Champion’s Challenge, my 8 year old daughter got a little ahead of us. She’s a skinny, bubbly, cute little ball of energy who can make friends anywhere…even with Roger Maltbe.
She’d been missing for a good hour by the time I made it back to the clubhouse. I found two security guys and asked if they had any lost little girls. They asked if she was the girl wearing the leopard skin shirt and skirt. I said “yes, now what has she done?” They proceed to tell me the Bill Murray story:
Brad Faxon fired a fabulous career low 61 in the final round today at the Buick Championship. That was only good enough to get him in into a tie for first with South Africa’s Tjaart van der Walt.
On the first and only playoff hole Faxon pulled his drive into the left fairway bunker and van der Walt launched one 300+ down the fairway. Advantage van der Walt? Nope. Faxon knocked an incredible bunker shot to within 2 feet of the hole. Not be be outdone, van der Walt nailed the flag on the fly with his approach shot. Tjaart was unable to convert his birdie allowing Faxon to win his first tournament since the 2001 Sony Open.
Though there was no Tiger, Phil or Vijay in this tournament, there was plenty of great golf to enjoy. Jason Gore didn’t necessarily provide any of that great golf, but he will soon.
The newest HOGB poll is up and running! Let’s find out just how much dough you really spend on golf in one year. This is total golf expenses including gear, rounds, lessons, travel, ibuprophen, back doctor etc. Answer honestly. Your wife will never know…
How much do you spend on golf in one year?
Vote in the poll in the left column!
Less than $500
Over $5000
I’m going to say I’m in the “over $5000” range. Heck one golf trip to Vegas with the buddies could cost a couple grand easy. Perhaps I should have put an “over $10,000” range.
The latest poll results are in with some interesting demographic info about some of you HOGBers.
How many rounds of golf per month do you play? (peak season)
1-4 22%
5-9 33%
10-14 13%
15-19 8%
20 or more 22%
I’m pretty amazed at how much golf you’re playing out there. 33% of you play 5-9 times per month. And an amazing 22% play 20 or more times? Wow. True golf freaks. Welcome to the club.