Tiger wins 2005 player of the year

Written by: Tony Korologos | Monday, September 26th, 2005
Categories: PGA TourTiger Woods

tigernecFor the seventh time in nine years Tiger Woods has won the player of the year. This was no surprise.

The PGA Tour player of the year award is based on a points system which gives points for victories as follows:

30 points for major wins
20 points for The Players Championship
10 points for any other PGA Tour win

While the cat’s away, Duval will play

Written by: Tony Korologos | Saturday, September 24th, 2005
Categories: PGA Tour

David Duval made his first 36 hole cut of the year at the Texas Open. He had missed 18 straight. I guess having 24 of the top pros in the world playing in the President’s Cup doesn’t hurt his cause. While the cat’s away…

“I’ve been number one and number 1,000, but I’ve hit bottom and I’m coming back up,” said Duval.

It will be an interesting comeback if he can pull it off. I’m skeptical. How many more years does he have until he’ll have to worry about cracking the 125 anyway? It’s getting closer and closer. I wonder if he’ll make the comeback or just pull a John Stockton and completely disappear of the face of the Earth.

Latest poll closing soon. Get your vote in!

Written by: Tony Korologos | Saturday, September 24th, 2005
Categories: Site News

I’m getting ready to close the current poll and post the next one. So if you haven’t already, place your vote on where you usually buy your golf gear.

All Tied Going Into Sunday President’s Cup Singles

Written by: Tony Korologos | Saturday, September 24th, 2005
Categories: European TourPGA TourTiger Woods

President’s Cup Tied At 11-11

This President’s Cup has been much more entertaining than I had thought it would be. It seems like there is more intensity on the American players’ side this year, especially in Tiger. It has been enjoyable to watch the matches so far and see how well some ofthe teams work together (Like Phil and Furyk).

Here are Sunday’s pairings for the President’s Cup singles matches, along with my picks.

12:05 p.m. – Tim Clark (International) vs. Justin Leonard (U.S.) – Leonard
12:15 p.m. – Trevor Immelman (International) vs. David Toms (U.S.) – Immelman
12:25 p.m. – Retief Goosen (International) vs. Tiger Woods (U.S.) – Tiger (barely)
12:35 p.m. – Mark Hensby (International) vs. Kenny Perry (U.S.) – Perry
12:45 p.m. – Vijay Singh (International) vs. Fred Couples (U.S.) – Vijay
12:55 p.m. – Mike Weir (International) vs. Scott Verplank (U.S.) – Weir
1:05 p.m. – Adam Scott (International) vs. Jim Furyk (U.S.) – Furyk
1:15 p.m. – Peter Lonard (International) vs. Stewart Cink (U.S.) – Lonard
1:25 p.m. – Michael Campbell (International) vs. Fred Funk (U.S.) – Campbell
1:35 p.m. – Nick O’Hern (International) vs. Davis Love III (U.S.) – O’Hern
1:45 p.m. – Angel Cabrera (International) vs. Phil Mickelson (U.S.) – Phil
1:55 p.m. – Stuart Appleby (International) vs. Chris DiMarco (U.S.) – DiMarco

My predictions: The good matches will be Goosen/Tiger, Cabrera/Mickelson and Appleby DiMarco. I think Vijay should easily beat Freddy as well as Immelman beating Toms. You never know though. That’s why they play the game.

TV: Sunday, Sept. 25: 12 – 6 p.m. ET, NBC

Saturday President’s Cup Foursome Results

Written by: Tony Korologos | Saturday, September 24th, 2005
Categories: European TourPGA TourTiger Woods

pclogoPresident’s Cup Saturday Foursome Results

Retief Goosen and Adam Scott (International) Justin Leonard and Scott Verplank (United States)

Michael Campbell and Angel Cabrera (International) vs. Phil Mickelson and Chris DiMarco (United States)
U.S. 5 and 3

Vijay Singh and Stuart Appleby (International) vs. Tiger Woods and Jim Furyk (United States)

Tim Clark and Nick O’Hern (International) vs. Fred Funk and David Toms (United States) International 2 and 1

Trevor Immelman and Mike Weir (International) vs. Davis Love III and Stewart Cink (United States)
U.S. 1 Up

Sorry I couldn’t get the fourball in…
My picks for this round 3-0-2. Totals 12-0-5

1 1,110 1,111 1,112 1,113 1,114 1,162





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