Today is a fun tournament I’m playing with my pop at his club. His club has been voted the best course in the state, and IS the best course in the state in my opinion.
The format is 9 holes best ball, 9 holes alternate shot, 9 holes scramble. Surprisingly we’ve won this thing a few times and we beat everyone on the alternate shot and best ball. We don’t scramble all that well.
The 18th hole is a long par 5, but they’re redesigning it so it is no longer a 500+ yard uphill hole. It’s a temp green par 3 today.
A report will follow.
The word’s around town not to talk to me about my golf game right now. My musician friends at my jam session last night said “I heard at the restaurant not to talk to you about your golf game.” My long game is huge right now but my short game is so bad I can turn a birdie into a bogey in one swing. Last time I played (Sunday), I was bombing my driver 40 yards past the longest hitter in my group, but gagging on my chip shots. I believe Tiger calls that “throwing up all over yourself.” I turned many a birdie into a bogey or worse. I lost my temper. I wanted to break something but I didn’t, fortunately.
Just in time to save the day I have a couple of shiny new wedges to try out. I know my problems are mental, but I’d rather put my blame on static pieces of forged steel than my own mind. Golfers love to do that: blame bad shots on influences they have no control over.
Perhaps these new shiny pieces of forged metal will give my fragile golf psyche some confidence. Maybe thinking about playing with new toys instead of worrying about how bad the next chip will be is going to be enough to help. Today’s round in 1.5 hours will answer that question.
I hope I get something going because I play in a 27 hole tournament with my pop tomorrow. We play against the guy in the restaurant with the big mouth. I’d like to make him eat his words tomorrow.
Michelle Wie is turning pro today, 6 days before her 16th birthday.
She’ll be running right to the bank to cash checks from her two biggest sponsors, Nike and Sony. Not too bad for a 15 year old. It is estimated that she’ll start out making around $10,000,000 a year in endorsements, plus whatever she wins on the LPGA Tour (or PGA Tour for that matter).
Ah, to be 15 again…
Playing well on the golf course isn’t always about the mechanics, the clubs or the ball. It can sometimes be about focus, strength and energy. If your golf fuel tank runs low you can lose energy, lose strength and lose focus. Losing just the smallest bit of focus on a crucial drive can mean the difference between a ball in the middle of the fairway or one out of bounds or in a hazard. Losing focus on the putting green can cause a winning putt to wonder off line and miss.
To keep your focus and energy levels at their peak you need to make sure your fuel tank has the right octane of fuel.
I recommend some kind of sports drink for your liquid fuel, and Zone Perfect Zone Bars for your solid fuel. “Zone Bars” are nutrition bars made to increase your energy and vitality and curb your hunger. They contain “the special ZonePerfect blend of carbohydrate, protein and fat, developed to provide the nutritious balance you need.”
Zone Bars currently come in 19 flavors, but they’re constantly adding new ones. My personal favorites are Strawberry Yogurt, Apple Cinnamon and Chocolate Raspberry. I love the taste of these bars and they don’t taste like you’d expect a nutrition bar to taste. I’m not too hot on Chocolate Almond Biscotti, but to each his own.
I like to keep 2-3 Zone Bars in my bag in case I need them. Unlike an apple or banana, they won’t go bad or mushy in your bag. They also won’t bruise or even make your bag pockets sticky.
One note about the “softness” of some of the bars. If you’re like me and often play in colder temperatures, some bars won’t work very well for you. In cold golf temperatures, say under 50 degrees, some of the Zone Bars get very hard to chew. The bars with this problem are mostly chocolate based. The hardest to chew of the group in low temperatures is by far the chocolate peanut butter. Trying to bite off and chew one of these in the sub 40’s is a real workout of your jaw muscles. Try one in the 30’s, and you might just break off your front teeth.
Zone Bars can be found in nearly all major grocery stores, but if you can’t find them you locally can order online as well.
Speaking of golf blogs, Musey has once again disappeared just as quickly as she reappeared last time. Musey: Are you teasing us?
Rich over at EatGolf is the most anal….er, a.. I mean “detail oriented” golf blogger and computer/golf geek. (That’s a compliment by the way)
Bogeyman at Bogeylounge has something up his sleeve. He’s “temporarily out of service” but my incoming links section has detected some other “lounge” presences out there. Check these: Brand Lounge, Pop Lounge, Blog Lounge, Teen Lounge, He’s snapping up all the lounges he can find. I bet he even owns the lounge down the street with the red velvet and gold chrome paisley walls.
Golf Chick is a newer female golf blogger who is doing well. Check her blog out.
MJonGOLF is trying a new golf blog path…er, a…plane.
Goeff Shackelford changed formats to a more blog like setup and is as strong as ever.
Taylormade’s TMaGINSIDER is having some directional/format issues and is trying to find a format that appeases the corporate side but gives readers a more personal touch. Last update in the people section: August 31st.
The Reluctant Jam-boy has some serious golf blog game. He’s a talented writer and just twisted enough to deliver an extremely fun way of describing his gig as a caddie.
The Sand Trap has so many good golf articles each day you could read there full time.
In the rock solid department: Golf Blogger, Robert Thompson, Golf Dash, Grouchy Golf.
If I missed you, sorry. Click here for the complaint department.