Now THAT is a good birthday present

Written by: Tony Korologos | Saturday, October 15th, 2005
Categories: HackersLife

I had a little party at my place last night. I had a few of my golf buddies and a few of my musician buddies over for some munchies and “frosty beverages.” I have bit of a headache and I hope it goes away by 10:20a.m.. 10:20 is my tee time today.

My good pal Jim brought me a very nice birthday present (box of ProV1’s). THAT is what I call a good birthday present. I had to ask him if it was OK to use his birthday present to me as a tool to win bets against him on the golf course and he said “take your best shot.” Sunday pal, Sunday.

The 19th hole today

After my round I’m heading straight up the road to Rice/Eccles Stadium to see my beloved University of Utah Utes play San Diego State in football. After last year’s BCS busting 12-0 season and a complete obliteration of Pittsburgh in the Fiesta Bowl, this year’s 3-3 record is a little hard to swallow.

I started a blog about Utah sports so check it out if you are really bored: The Ute Blog.

New Links Page Under Construcion

Written by: Tony Korologos | Friday, October 14th, 2005
Categories: Site News

Pardon my dust during construction/remodeling:

You may notice some strange formatting in the right column. The links section has been growing and I intend to make it MUCH bigger. It will no longer reasonably fit in that right column. So I’m working on a NEW links page which will have many many more links! (GolfDash is my idol in that category!).

The large cells containing all the links and blogroll in the right column are now gone. They’ve been replaced by one cell/link to the Hooked On Golf Blog Links Section!

The links page is functional but under construction. If you have any formatting suggestions or comments feel free to let me know.

The Pundits Have Spoken

Written by: Tony Korologos | Friday, October 14th, 2005
Categories: Site News

The latest HOG poll is closed.

Where do you buy your golf gear?

Golf Store 37%
ebay 20%
Anywhere I Can 17%
Sporting Goods Store 13%
Course Pro Shop 3%
Online reseller 3%
Other 3%

The majority of you shop at a “golf store” for your gear and ebay was a distant second. Surprisingly, online was way down the list.

The new poll is a simple one: What is your handicap?

I’ve casted my vote: 2 and going up. 🙂

And we’re back

Written by: Tony Korologos | Thursday, October 13th, 2005
Categories: Site News

If you tried to get your HOG fix late last night you may have run into some problems. As it turns out my server blew a power supply. Thank goodness it was that and not a hack.

In other site news I’ve had some, shall we say “whining” about the comments setup here from some. In order to prevent spam I had implemented a process where you had to register before you commented. I’ve made it easier for comments now by not requiring registration. BUT if I start getting the dreaded Viagra comments I’ll have that sucker back the way it was before you can say “erectile dysfunction.”

Cart paths are bad for golf

Written by: Tony Korologos | Wednesday, October 12th, 2005
Categories: Miscellaneous

I’m taking a stand against cart paths. I think they are bad for golf. I can do completely without them and here are my reasons why. (in no particular order)

1. When a course has a cart path only rule it slows down play. This is especially the case when you have a very wide hole and your ball is on the opposite side of the fairway than the path. It is even worse if you brought the wrong clubs with you and need to go back.

2. Paths are designed to reduce wear and tear on the course but I think they actually cause more wear and tear than they save. People scatter and drive all over the place when there are no cart paths, spreading out the wear. But when there are cart paths, carts always congregate in the same areas either entering or exiting the path. These areas are almost always trashed and the grass doesn’t grow there any more. A GREAT course I play has virtually no cart paths and has tons of cart traffic. They have about 20 feet of path where you park next to the tee and that’s about it. None of the holes on this nicely maintenanced course have any problem whatsoever with carts ruining the fairway or green side. The greatest course I’ve played, Aronomik (Donald Ross), has virtually no cart paths.

3. I’m a purist who loves to walk. Walkers don’t do damage to the course. “Walkers only” means no cart paths. However from a business standpoint, golf course revenue is greatly increased by cart fees so there’s no way that idea would fly.

4. Cart paths slow down play and cause problems when balls hit them, or by interfering with stance or swing.

5. Carts paths ruin golf balls and golf clubs.

6. Perhaps the biggest reason I don’t like cart paths: Cart paths are ugly. Cart paths ruin the aesthetic/visual splendor of golf courses. I really enjoy taking pictures of beautiful golf courses. I’m always trying to figure out ways to shoot pics of golf holes and leave out the paths. Many great golf pictures are ruined by cart paths.

Agree or disagree? Any other reasons?

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