Paul Slater set a new world record with a 720 yard drive down the London City Airport runway. He beat the previous record held by Stuart Appleby of 696 yards.
“I knew it was right as soon as I hit it” said Slater.
Hey Paul, how’s your record as a professional golfer? Gimme a friggin’ break.
I don’t watch much TV unless it is golf. Can’t stand “survivor” and “who wants to marry a gold digger” types of shows.
The one reality show I’ll watch and enjoy is The Big Break. It’s too early for much major commentary on BBIV yet except for this one gripe:
Memo to the Golf Channel: BAG THE RECAP EPISODES. THEY’RE DUMB At least run them on a different day save the real episodes for their time slots.
I don’t want to watch a full one hour recap and hear “someone is going home” more times than absolutely necessary. This is obviously a way of TGC to MILK this thing for more than it is worth.
Reading golfblogger (like I do every day) I found this new golf blog: Primary Rough. I’m always into checking out new golf blogs.
What looks good is the layout. Very nice setup and original design.
What I don’t like is the mind googling amount of google ads Primary Rough has. I don’t mind a google ad on a site. No big deal and we’d all like to pay some bills. They can be single ads or a grouping of a few ads. I have a strip down the side here. (I’m thinking of removing them however). There are 7 groups of google ads at Primary Rough. The total individual google ads on that blog is a googling 27!
Welcome to golf blogging Primary. Best of luck. I’ve added you to the HOG master links section. But you may want to back off on the google ads a bit. Check your google regulations too. You may be in violation of their rules and you may get “in trouble.”
Here’s a great quote from Michelle Wie about the news that women will now be able to qualify for the British Open:
“If I had the chance to fit it in my schedule I’d love to. It’s one of the best tournaments out there.”
The latest Michelle Wie DQ incident sparks a question that has been coming up regularly in the golf world over the last few years:
Should fans, press or persons other than players or officials be able to “report” possible rules infractions?
There have been a few cases on the PGA Tour where fans actually called in after seeing a rules infraction on TV, and in some of those cases the players were penalized or disqualified.
Is this right? Is this good for professional golf? Golf IS a game of honor where the players are supposed to police themselves. Honorable players like David Toms take care of themselves on the course.
Though a member of the press may be citing a possible rules violation “for the integrity of the game,” who is keeping that press member in check for “the integrity of sports reporting?”
How much bearing on professional tournaments should the spectators or press have?
What about the infamous “Tiger and the big rock” incident? The fans in the gallery helped Tiger move a giant rock that Tiger and/or his caddy clearly could not move themselves. Was this rock really loose impediment? What’s next? Bring in a tractor?
Fans in many other sports (except perhaps occasionally baseball) can’t affect the outcome of the game directly. Fans don’t call in the NFL offices and report pass interference to the officials. Reporters don’t tattle to the umpires in baseball that the last pitch was a strike and not a ball.
In golf spectators or press can help out a player by finding his ball. They can conversely damn the player by busting him for an illegal drop.
I’m not saying I have the answer to this issue. I can’t think how anything might be changed, except for only allowing tournament players and officials participate in rules questions. But surely some infractions would slip through the cracks and someone would likely benefit from a mistake.