Core Golf Strength Training Is The Key To Longer Drives

Written by: Mike Pedersen | Wednesday, February 22nd, 2006
Categories: Golf FitnessGolf InstructionInstructionPro Tips

Mike PedersenCore Golf Strength Training Is The Key To Longer Drives

Core golf strength training is a must for developing maximum power and distance. As in all athletics, the core is your engine. Everything comes from the core! The modern golf swing is definitely a “core-focused” movement; unlike the older swing technique of lower body action dominant.

You probably have heard the term core golf strength training, but do you know what it means and how to implement it into your golf performance routine?

Your core is the middle section of your body…specifically your abdominal region. If your core is weak or restricted in rotational flexibility, you will have a minimal chance at hitting long drives.

I see this all the time in the senior golfer. No core strength or flexibility, resulting in a HUGE decrease in yardage off the tee. The senior golfer will say things like, “I’ve lost so much yardage off the tee the past few years”; “I use to hit my drives 50 yards further”; “If I could only get 20 more yards I’d be happy”.

This can be a very frustrating situation; but one that can be remedied easily, quickly and in the convenience of your home with minimal equipment. Improving your core rotational strength and flexibility does not require equipment in a gym or club.

You can do exercises as simple as grabbing a single handweight, getting in your golf posture, and rotating back and through holding the hand weight in front of your stomach. You can also do stretches right in your office chair. Sitting upright and reaching around your chair, turning as far as you can to the right, then turning to the left.


In the pictures I’ve inserted, you’ll see me doing a lunge with a twist holding a weighted medicine ball. This is a simple, but very effective exercise to improve not only your core golf strength, but your range of motion for a powerful back swing and follow through. If you don’t have access to a medicine ball, just hold a single dumbbell in replace of it.

These are just some very basic core golf strength training, but they would give you a “kickstart” into doing a complete program for your core.

You will be amazed at how much power you acquire in your swing when you implement a core training for golfers program. Even if that’s all you did for the time-being, you’d be way ahead of the game.

But my guess is once you start slow and easy, you’ll get the “runners high” and want to do more. This does not have to be a gut-busting routine! You can spend as little as 10 minutes a couple of times a week and see results.

Don’t put it off any longer!

Start your core golf strength training today to get a jump-start on your season!

About The Author: Mike Pedersen is one of the top golf performance experts in the country. He is Golf Magazines Golf Performance Expert; has been featured on; and is the founder of several cutting-edge online golf performance membership sites. Take a look at his just released golf training system at

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