No golf for a while. Fresh snow on the ground this morning. Come on summer!
I’ve been trying to figure out how to deal with having a news section on Web Country Club. I’m not a news reporter by trade and I don’t have anyone setup as a reporter in the field. Since this site is starting out as a 1 man operation (with aspirations of expanding), I needed to figure out a way of staying current with the news. I could watch all the pro tourneys, read all the mags, check all the golf related web sites and create my own news. That would be a full time job…. so nope.
Then I started learning about RSS feeds. Using RSS feeds I can display the latest golf news as interpereted by many different sources. So for now, the golf news section is being built and will have a large (maybe someday the largest) golf rss feed section. The golf news section beta will be up this week and tweaks to the main page will be coming shortly. I also hope to get the forum section running soon.
Keep in touch.
Check out Web Country Club now! This is my 3rd or 4th revision but it is starting to look very clean and classy.
I’m not a web programmer but I’m becoming one. I’ve gotten blogging & the php forums thing down fairly well and now I’m back to brushing up on web design. There are classes you can take from schools in most cities that are hundreds and even thousands of dollars. But if you get yourself a Learning CD-Rom you can teach yourself and learn a TON! VTC and Lynda Learning have large libraries and I’ve used them both.
I’ve been cramming on my html skills with Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004. I’m starting to scratch a little below the surface and it is quite an amazing application.
So I now have my initial design of the main page of Web Country Club. I hope to start working on CONTENT soon rather than design but it is all fun. The problem right now is that I’ve been saying up ’til 3am every day. It is now 2am.
I’ve also figured out slightly how to “blog” right into an existing web page. It can be done via frames or by pasting all your html code into your template along with the blogger tags. So you could basically use the blogger service and interface to simply post content into specific cells or areas on a web page. Perhaps there alone is some kind of market for someone.
No new news on WEB COUNTRY CLUB other than just the planning stage. Still waiting to hear back from my PGA buddy on the tracker. Hopefully that will come through. I’m learning more html & flash to hopefully make the site nice.
In my html experiments I’ve figured out that you can actually “blog” right into another web page. The easiest way I can figure so far is to use frames. The blog section is just a frame with the blog name in it. The other frames can be whatever you want. The other way to do it would be to create the page and use the blog code in the existing template that you want to keep (posts, archives etc). Haven’t tried that yet. The idea is the perhaps be able to “blog” the news and course/equipment reviews instead of doing the reviews in html and uploading them to the site… Anyone know of a better way?
Ran into an old buddy today. He’s retired and now is a course marshall here in town. We’ll play golf next summer.
Wow. A day after I get up and running (just a basic page) and post about it on the bog here, I make some progress.
A client of mine is a local pro. He is a very cool and nice guy. Today I let him know about and he thought the idea was cool. Then he mentioned that he was going to be the 2005 president of the local PGA Section! He was telling that unlike previous years he wants to get “the word” out more on local PGA and county golf course events. I told him we could use as a sounding board and I’d be happy to post info for the local PGA section and the county run/owned golf courses.
I also suggested to him that he and his other PGA pro buddies could be the featured instructors for the golf instruction section of the site. In turn they would get referrals and more clients. Publicity and more possible clients for them and “content” for Win win.
During this conversation he mentioned a local firm that does golf stat tracking had worked out a relationship with the local PGA section to do tracking of their students. I plan on getting in touch with these folks and trying to work out an arrangement for them to be the official stat tracker for
A lot can happen in 24 hours!