Shoulder Surgery Post-Op – 15 Weeks

Written by: Tony Korologos | Thursday, May 30th, 2019
Categories: Miscellaneous

It has now been 15 weeks since I had surgery for a torn rotator cuff, torn labrum, torn bicep tendon, and bone spurs in the right shoulder.  It has been a frustrating several weeks as I have developed what is known as “frozen shoulder.”  This condition is where there is too much scar tissue and inflammation in the shoulder socket, causing it to literally lock up.  I had not been able to move it beyond a certain amount for close to two months.  I got a steroid injection about three weeks ago, and finally over the last week and a half I’m seeing some notable progress.

At rehab last week the therapist got my arm lifted (front) to about 160 degrees, a new record over 150 degrees.  It had been at 150 for weeks.  Last week she was able to get the arm to about 160 degrees in a more side motion, away from the body.  That was a record as well.  Today, with the therapist’s help, I got the first measurement to 170 degrees and the 2nd to 180.  Major improvements.

I’ve also noticed that my pain level over the last week or so has subsided quite a bit.  I’m going large portions of the day with no pain.  I’m also sleeping in my own bed, and even sleeping on my left side with no pain or waking up due to pain in the night.  Major win.  I can lay on my bad shoulder side for awhile, but moving after that is painful and stiff.

I can finally see some decent progress, 20 degrees or so, in the last couple of weeks.  Major breakthrough.  I’m getting more exercises and stretches which I’m religiously doing at home daily.

Not Over Yet

I still have a long way to go.  I can’t reach behind my back with my right arm, at all.  Not even an inch or two.  I can’t get anywhere near a throwing position, nor can I even reach across my body, say to dry my left shoulder off with a towel.  It takes effort to shave right handed, or wash my hair right handed, but I can do it now.

Keeping Sane

Fortunately I’ve been able to keep my sanity, somewhat.  I’ve taken up backcountry skiing and I’ve gone up into the wonderful mountains here in northern Utah for “skin” sessions.  A few days ago I skinned up to over 10,000 feet.  Great exercise, and a physical activity I can do, even with a limited right arm.


Today I grabbed a golf club out of curiosity.  I could take it back gingerly to about 1/3 of a full swing before I felt pain. Worse than that was the followthrough. Once my right hand crossed about the center of my body it was big time no-go zone.  So I bet the farthest I could hit a golf ball at this point, with any club, would be maybe 20-30 yards. And I’d have one swing in me before I’d have to bail.





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