Amateur golf tournament season is winding down here in northern Utah. I’m playing one of the last tournaments of this year a little later this morning. It’s the club championship at Bonneville, one of my home courses. I didn’t realize it was club championship weekend and I didn’t plan on playing in the 36-hole, two-day championship because, well, I’m not going to shoot two rounds of 66. So I’d just be donating.
But my buddies signed me up for the “Saturday” portion of the event. I came to find out the club also has a “Senior Championship.” I qualify now, at 50. So “what the hell?” I’m thinking. I’m not going to beat the 22 year old flat-belly college scholarship guys on the University of Utah golf team, but maybe I have a chance against the old farts.
Bonneville Golf Course Aerial Photo by Tony Korologos