We are constantly bombarded with golf’s bad press and the whining that the game is dying, shrinking, and losing players by the thousands. So what’s the answer? Raise green fee prices!
Wingpointe Golf Course
A local course is going to be shut down here in Salt Lake called Wingpointe. It’s the airport course. As its life comes to an end, they’re offering a farewell price of $25 per round, with cart, roughly half of what that would normally cost. Guess what? The place is jammed. We called for a tee time and the entire sheet was jammed.
Economics 101
Price goes down, demand goes up.
Price goes up, demand goes down.
Simple economics, right? So why the hell do many who manage golf courses not get this? What’s better? Having a course with 10 players on it at $50 a pop, or a course with 100 players on it at $25 a pop? And what about the money those extra 90 players spend on range balls and in the cafe? Some may even buy some balls or even apparel and gear in the pro shop. How much more could the course make in BEER sales alone with an extra 90 players a day?
Another shop in town gets that. A certain times of year, like when they are aerating, they offer smoking deals like the 50% off one above. Guess what? The course is packed. And when it offers those great prices it builds up a customer base. It builds up relationships with customers who will come back.
I know all this is just crazy talk. You golf courses and dumb municipalities who run them go ahead and carry on. When you’re sucking wind and losing money, go ahead and raise your prices even more. Run the rest of your remaining customers off. You might as well go out of business sooner. Perhaps someone will buy your course for pennies on the dollar and run it better than you.
I live near Myrtle Beach and a member of Legends Group(5 courses), $15 membership , and rounds cost $35 and includes lunch and 2 drinks. Courses are always packed
Thanks for the comment mustang65. They have it figured out obviously. And the customers see a value. Nice.