Snow on the camera lens or the latest Instagram filter?
Friday morning snow
I’m running up against a little writer’s (excuse me) “blogger’s” block. Perhaps that is because I’m going nuts here in Salt Lake this winter. The courses have been closed for months and just when it looked like the snow would melt, it started snowing again this morning. I just walked outside to take a snap of the snow and my phone slipped out of my hand into a snow bank. I had to walk in bare feet and snag it. Such a skilled photographer. The photo right is what taking pictures looks like after you’ve dropped your Samsung Galaxy SIII in the snow…
Keeping one’s game in any kind of shape is very tough when you take months off from hitting balls or playing. Hell, my game suffers when I take a week off. Months? Forget it. I finished the 2012 season as a 2.5 handicap and when I dust the clubs off in April I’ll be playing like a 20. The cycle happens every year… I work all summer to get my game back and just when I start playing well, winter comes.
Perhaps it is time to think about moving to a warmer climate where I can golf year-round. The problem is, aside from a few irritating things about Utah, I really like it here. It is a beautiful place and I love the mountains. I especially love mountain golf. I could move to Florida but I think I’d die of golf boredom. The courses are way too flat and uninteresting there.
WGC Accenture Match Play
Entertaining conclusion to the first round of the WGC Match Play yesterday. Yesterday was a prime example of why the golf networks hate this format. Their big draws can get knocked out before the real money-making weekend broadcasts. Tiger Woods and Rory McIlory are gone, as are Lee Westwood and Keegan Bradley. Ratings will probably tank this weekend. Too bad.
I had Tiger and Rory losing in the 2nd round. I have Hunter Mahan winning in my bracket.
Big Week
There is something BIG coming up next week. Not sure I want to announce it this weekend, or simply have it be a surprise. Some clues: I’ll be playing golf. It will be one of the most amazing HOG World Tour stops yet.
Yes, I liked Utah while I was there (I stayed in American Fork), but I moved back to Texas as soon as the job was completed. Every weekend it snowed. In April.
True, some of our courses are flat but I can play in January. It’s a trade-off.
it is flurries here on the other side of the states.