If you have trouble with gauging distance on the putting green here’s a golf accessory which might help.
Personal Stimpmeter and measuring device can help you fine tune your distance control on the greens. Click for more images.
The Golf Green SpeedReader is a portable Stimpmeter and putting stroke measuring device. There are two basic functions the device features.
2/3 Scale Stimpmeter
The first feature of the device is a 2/3 scale Stimpmeter. A Stimpmeter is a device used to measure the speed of putting greens. You may hear during the Masters or PGA Tour tournaments for instance, that the “greens are a 12 on the Stimpmeter.” Slow greens measure on the “stimp” at around 8, medium 10 and fast 12+.
The Green SpeedReader is 2/3 scale, meaning that a ball which rolls 2 feet on the device would roll 3 feet on a Stimpmeter.
24 Inch Ruler
The second feature of the device is a simple 24 inch ruler. The ruler is useful for a couple of different functions. It measures the length ball rolls and can also serve as a measuring device for the putting stroke length.
How It Works
The process is simple. Roll a few balls on the green with the unit and measure how far they travel. Then lay down the ruler near your putter and work to figure out how long a putting stroke will send the ball precisely that distance. You’ll have a visual representation and feedback on how long the putt will roll versus what Stimp rating the putt measures at.
Another useful byproduct of the ruler, is that it can be used close to the putter to align the stroke.
Related Links
Golf Greens SpeedReader Web Site
Hooked On Golf Blog Golf Greens SpeedReader Images