It is 12:43am and I’m still up. I’m a bit wired after attending the first college football game of the year here, my Utah Utes vs the tougher than expected Montana State Bobcats. Utes win 27-10. Not sure that will be the outcome next week though, as the Utes travel to USC. The team has a lot of work to do. Didn’t look like they were firing on even half their cylinders. But I digress…
I thought the answer to my struggles was to put more forgiving irons in the bag. My greens in regulation has been almost as bad as Tiger Woods’s driving accuracy… almost. That is bad.
Thanks to a conversation with John Duval yesterday I actually went the other way and switched from my Hogan irons to my MacGregor blades today. They should be much more difficult to hit but they didn’t seem that way at all. Amazingly, the iron play was greatly improved. Not sure why I played better today, but I did. 74 and $$$. The ball was going straight at the flag on my iron shots, which was quite a surprise and improvement.
I’ll stick with the MacGregor blades for now. I can think of a great golfer who played MacGregor blades. Can you?
Below is a shot of the range this morning at Wasatch Mountain State Park. Not too shabby. Should practice more.
Wasatch Mountain State Park GC Driving Range
Nice. Make things more difficult. You know I dig ninjas. Rock those blades!
Yep I can think of another GREAT golfer who used MacGregor blades for sure! I used to have a set of old Macgregor Colorkrom blades that i loved and loved and loved. i used them for about 4 years until the short irons were completely worn out and I had to move on to something else. I wish I had kept them. Here’s a photo of what they look like Macgregor Colorkrom Blades.
Didn’t Jack Nicklaus start out on those blades??? I know that I learned on them–40 years ago….
As to your question; how about Hogan, Demaret, Nelson, and Niklaus. MacGregor seemed to have opened the technology:better scores door about a hundred years ago.
Ya know, sometimes it’s just the act of doing something different so that your concentration is shifted to positive thoughts instead of whatever it was that you were doing wrong.
Welcome to the PAC 12, eh? My Huskies will be at your house October 1st. Good luck but … Go Dawggs!
Right Kenneth (and Mark).
Hey GolfDawgg welcome to HOG. HOG and the Dawgg. Glad to be in the Pac 12, though I think we might suffer a bit of freshmenitis in the league. I will be in my regular season ticket seat for the Oct 1 game.
I look forward to exchanging some trash talking with you. GO UTES!