What is .003? The amount of time in seconds it took for me to turn off my TV after seeing George Lopez shank a shot into a house at Pebble Beach during the AT&T Pro-Am. That and watching Chris Berman attempt to hit a golf ball. Excuse me while I barf. #dontlikewatchinghackers #touronlyplease #lopezisnotfunny #bermanshouldstayawayfromgolf
Is there anyone, ANYONE out there who really likes watching these people in pro-ams like this? Anyone out there who enjoys watching bad swings and hacks who can’t dub it out of their shadow and then go into some lame comedy routine with the audience? If there is, I’d like to interview you so comment in here.
This is a European viewing weekend for me. Hey, is the LPGA got anything going?
I agree, I have about zero interest in watching full coverage of the Pro-Ams.
I knew I wasn’t alone. I wonder what the viewership is…
martin you can check this link to see what else is going on this week:
I watched the replay last night, and I agree that watching some actor skull an iron , hearing some TV personality talk about the economy, and CEOs fist bumping after making a clutch 3 footer sucks. But nothing is as bad as Kelly Tilghmans announcing!!!