Photo by Justin Rose of #9 fairway at Waialae
It is official. Round one has been canceled at the Sony Open. Waialae is soaked and unplayable.
The social networks will be buzzing with bored professional golfers tweeting, facebooking and posting photos of playing video games now.
The PGA Tour is going to try to complete the tournament on Sunday by having a 36 hole finish that day, with round one on Friday and round two on Saturday.
As my pal Ryan pointed out, there’s already a 40% chance of rain on Sunday.
There has never been a Monday finish in this tournament.
Just a few minutes ago I posted that there was a one hour delay for round one of the Sony Open. That delay has been changed to FOUR hours, and that may not be the end of the delays either if the weather doesn’t cooperate.
I’ll keep posting status updates as they become available.
Play delayed due to rain in Sony Open
Weather is going to be a big factor on play at the Sony Open. Meaning “whether” they play at all on any given day. Yesterday’s pro-am was canceled due to rain and all of the courses in the area were closed. I’ll update the status of the opening round as information becomes available.
UPDATE (30 seconds later!): I told you I’d give you an update as soon as it became available. Tee times have been delayed by ONE hour at this point, 11:31ET.
Ricky Barnes Withdraws
Ricky Barnes joins Dustin Johnson in the group of players who have withdrawn from the Sony Open due to a back injury. I don’t like hearing that, being a sufferer of back issues myself.
Enjoy the golf in the evenings, or set your DVR
Sony Open
Jan. 13-16
Waialae Country Club, Honolulu, Hawaii
Thursday 7-10:30 p.m. (Live) / 11 p.m.-2:30 a.m. (Replay)
Friday 7-10:30 p.m. (Live) / 11 p.m.-2:30 a.m. (Replay)
Saturday 7-10:30 p.m. (Live) / 11 p.m.-2:30 a.m. (Replay)
Sunday 7-10 p.m. (Live) / 11 p.m.-2 a.m. (Replay)
Times above are Eastern.
I will be at the PGA Merchandise Show this year once again. Send me a note via email (if you know my email), or use the site contact page to send me a message and I’ll try to arrange a visit with you at the show.
I’m going to be doing things a little different this year. In analyzing the way the shows have gone for me in the past I’ve decided to try some new things.
No Paper
Every year at the show I bring back about 100 pounds worth of catalogs, photos, booklets and all sorts of printed promotional materials. Honestly, when I do my research for articles, I never use those “paper” materials. I always go online and look for the information digitally. Those papers sit in my office for about six months, then I recycle them.
This year I’ll be only accepting business cards and small digital files on flash drives or CD/DVD. I will get my info all via the web.
Thursday & Friday Only
The last few years, Saturday at the show is quite a bust. So many people are hung over and tired from the show that not a lot of work gets done that day. In fact, surprisingly after all the expense and preparation that goes into the show, many people start packing their booths up half way through the day.
Because of those reasons, I’ve decided to cut my trip a day shorter and come home Saturday night instead of Sunday night. I will not be at the show Saturday. I plan on kicking ass Thursday and Friday, and kicking the asses of my fellow bloggers on some Orlando golf course Saturday.
No Set Appointment Times
I’ve gone through a lot of hard work in shows past to schedule appointments. I’d bet that 50% of those appointments never happened. Due to my going over on time with appointments, or showing up to appointments with people at their booths only to find that they are busy, I’ve decided to NOT book a set schedule. I plan on walking the whole floor and getting to everyone on my list, but not via set times. If we have a really important meeting, like if Greg Norman wants to talk to me, then I’ll set up an appointment for that.