Davis has modeled his swing after mine... yeah, right.
Wow. For so many years I’ve equated Titleist and Davis Love III. But the news today is that DLIII has moved to Bridgestone. That switch will take some getting used to.
“Freddie (Fred Couples) and I go way back, we’ve played a lot of golf together and I consider him one of my best friends on TOUR. He’s been telling me for years about how great Bridgestone is, so I finally decided to look into them for myself and I liked what I found. I learned that they have industry-leading products and really creative marketing, two things that really peaked my interest. With the B330-S, I’m getting more distance out of my driver and long irons and I feel very ready to compete in 2011.”
So Davis and Freddy have talked about it. But I’m betting that Davis has been reading my reviews of the B330-RX series golf balls and that influenced him the most… 🙂
This week DLIII makes his 2011 debut at the Sony Open. He’ll be putting the B330-S in play for the first time. He’ll also be using a new Bridgestone tour bag, hat, glove as well as some Bridgestone prototype irons (3-PW). The release doesn’t mention driver, woods/hybrids, putter or wedges other than PW. I imagine those will switch over eventually when DLIII has had time to fine tune them.
The Z-Star has been taking over my golf group with the high visibility yellow, so I tried it out, and it played pretty well, but I found myself going back to old reliable Callaway HX Hot Plus. When Bridgestone came out with the high visibility orange and yellow E6’s – I tried these out. I have played the E6 before and liked it, but I sure don’t remember liking it this much! Now I am playing the Yellow E6s in a rotation with the HX Hot Plus, Pro V1, and Snake Eyes Tour Performance II. I just did a full change on hybrids and irons (to Adams Tech V3s) – that change combined with the cold weather, I can’t really determine my favorite of these balls, but I hope by spring I can get this down to a couple different products at most.
As for the Bridgestone E6 Orange- maybe they are highly visible in summer greens, but those are not the balls to play in winter browns! Yellow is fairly easy to find, but right now I do think that white is the easiest to find on the ground (yellow during flight is the easiest to find against any sky).
I liked the e6 too, but the B330-RX-S was better for me, and that was what my Bridgestone ball fitting suggested I use.
I have yet to try the e6 of any color other than white yet.