Filed under “boneheads.”
You’ve probably seen the ad with Arnold Palmer and Nancy Lopez high-fiving on the putting green, while in the background the cheesy music plays “The Villages… America’s friendliest home town.” Then it cuts to senior citizens line dancing and so on.
The big story coming out of The Villages today, is that a group of employees and members of a Villages golf shop are fighting over just who gets any dough from a winning lottery ticket. On a weekly basis about eight people would chip in on the lottery tickets and agreed to split any winnings. If a member was missing one day, the others would pick up the slack and chip in the missing person’s dollar, and that missing person would reimburse them the next day.
That plan worked until they actually won $16 million. Then the one person who didn’t chip in her dollar, Jeanette French, was left out as the others tried to cash in without her. Now the whole thing is caught up in court and now the biggest winner will end up being some attorney.
Golf is supposed to be an honorable game, but I guess that goes out the door when you win the lottery.
We DO have some Democrats that live here ya know !!!
Like dirty pennies, can’t keep them out !!!