Man did I have a smokin’ round today. I mean, I was damn near on fire. I was kicking the rear end of my pal, the head pro and director of golf. On #16 approach I saw some smoke coming from #17. If you recall this post, TWO golf carts plunged into the river on #17 and were pulled out by tractors yesterday.
My friend and golf pro had to leave me hanging and save his course and his bacon. He had to go deal with the fire which was left of #17 fairway. We could see the flames clear from 16 fairway, a good 350 yards away. It was lucky my buddy left. I knocked my approach to three feet and drained my birdie putt!
Smoke and fire left of #17 fairway.
“Can you fire engines please hold it down? We’re teeing off!”
There’s no way a fire in that area started by itself. There must have been some kids playing with matches in there.