When things go quiet over at my buddy Rich’s golf blog, eatgolf.com, you know something is brewing. You know he’s working on something cool and probably pulling some all nighters working on it.
Turns out Rich has been at Riviera attending the Nissan and taking “tons” of pics. He’s got a killer pic page of all the holes at Riviera now, but it took him some work getting them all taken. And if you’re wondering what amenities Riviera has, what the range is like, and even what the weather conditions are right now there, you can get that info on the page as well. Nice job Eat.
Eat, if you get a chance to stand on the tee when Tiger hits a drive, tell us if you’re able to get any oxygen or if his club speed sucks all the air out of your lungs.
Thanks for the props Media!
Unfortunatly I never got a chance to see Tiger while I was there. Sure glad I knew better than to pick him for this weeks fantasy though
Go Freddie!!